Wondering how to manage the calorie intake? It’s simple and here’s how... Maintain a daily record of your food intake: Doing so for a week would help you figure out the foods that you can eliminate or reduce in your diet for better calorie management. Exercise and sufficient sleep: Both are very important to enhance your body’s digestion and nutrient assimilation. This keeps your system at harmony and helps you attain early satiety. Take sufficient protein for breakfast: The digestion time of protein is longer in comparison to carbs. This results in slow release of calories and the body gets enough time to use them more judiciously. Eat small but frequent meals: To allow sufficient and continuous supply of glucose to brain. If there is a lack of fresh glucose our brain tends to slow down and so does our metabolism. Make it a habit to read the food labels before you buy any new food: This would help you calculate total calories per serving and hence to make a smar...